The 2023 Canadian Sexual Exploitation Summit was a huge success!

The 2023 Canadian Sexual Exploitation Summit is a free online conference happening May 3-5.
CSES brings together more than 70 speakers who will present the latest research, innovative strategies, and lessons helpful to leaders from every sector in the fight against sexual exploitation.
May 4-5 — Main Summit Days
A free individual registration allows you to watch all main summit sessions and live panels. Sessions are pre-recorded and will be released at 8:15am both days — these can be watched on demand throughout the summit.
On both days the opening sessions and live panels are broadcast at specific times, so be sure to tune in live for those.
May 3 — Pre-Summit Day
Sector training: These special training sessions on sexual exploitation are geared towards healthcare workers and educators. You can register for one or both of these sessions in addition to registering for the main summit on May 4-5. Registrants have access to these sessions for one week.
Youth Day: Youth Day 2023, hosted by OneChild, is an all-day 'mini summit' livestream for youth ages 14-18, designed to be shown by teachers in their classroom. Parents can also guide their teens through the material.
Why do we need a Canadian Sexual Exploitation Summit?
Survivor Event

Sector Training

May 3rd
8:30am-12:00pm CST
Title: The Modern Day Predator: Online and In Person Sexual Exploitation
Help us promote this session! Download the poster.
May 3rd
12:30-4:30pm CST
Title: The Best Kept Secret: Child-on Child Sexual Assault is Exploding

Youth Day
Hosted by OneChild’s Youth Advisory Squad and alumni (comprised of students aged 14-17) and its Youth Empowerment Coordinators, the inaugural Youth Day is an all-day virtual conference led by youth, for youth focused on learning about the sexual exploitation of children (SEC) and how we can co-lead the fight against it!
Youth Day will educate youth about the realities of SEC in Canada, how it impacts their generation, root causes, how to detect signs of SEC and get support, how to protect themselves, their friends and family, and how they can use their passion, energy, and dynamism to be agents of change. Learn from youth as they facilitate powerful discussions with each other, survivors of SEC, parents affected by SEC, a reformed trafficker and activist, and cyber safety experts.
Trigger warnings and support for participants are available during the virtual conference.
There are 2 different ways to register for youth day:
Group Ticket: Teachers or youth leaders can register their classroom or student group to attend Youth Day through a group ticket. One ticket gives you an access link so you can tune into the event from your classroom.
Individual Ticket: For parents and their child, or other adults supporting youth.
The Youth Day broadcast will take place from 9am–3:15pm Eastern Time. Classrooms across the country are invited to attend! The event will be recorded, so if your timezone prevents your group from catching the entire event live you can catch up on the recording later.
Become a sponsor and give your organization significant exposure to our attendees through our summit website, event app, social media channels, and more!
Individual sponsorships are also welcome!
Read through our Sponsorship Package to learn about the different sponsorship levels that are available.
Ready to partner with us as a sponsor? Get started below!
Becoming a exhibitor at CSES 2023 allows you to connect with our attendees through your virtual booth!
Read to partner with us as an exhibitor? Sign up below for just $50.
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The CSES Code of Conduct
Those attending the CSES understand that they do so in a spirit of open-mindedness, respect and tolerance. Defend Dignity (dD) does not tolerate harassment in any form. Participants agree to respect confidentiality and understand that the atmosphere at the CSES is appropriate for high-level relationship building and strategy development in growing the movement to end sexual exploitation. dD reserves the right to sanction or expel conference participants who violate these rules.